Thursday, 20 January 2011

First Cover Draft

This is the first draft of my indie music magazine 'Amplify' I chose this title as the majority of music in this specific genre are created using guitars, which require amps. Also the term amplify, implies something loud. The colour scheme used is red and black, this is meant to appeal to both mail and female readers, the colours run throughout the cover and accentuate key stories and information. The girl featured is pictured holding a guitar, this conveys the attitude that she is passionate about music, and values this over her image. She is looking straight at the camera showing confidence, however her being pictured behind the guitar shows she is in her comfort zone where she feels most like herself.The t-shirt she is wearing breaks the stereotype that girls in music are there for show or are fans, she represents a successful female in a industry dominated by men. I have shown other bands that are featured in the magazine, attracting their audience to 'Amplify.'

When improving my cover I will have to make the artists name more bold, and the name of the magazine to draw more attention. If possible I will try and change the background colour slightly so she stands out